AIRCO® Systems offers both a space-saving, effective and convenient solution for on-site nitrogen production. Our Infinit Stand-Alone series for nitrogen generators combines a modern panel construction with year-long experience in the area of high and low-purity nitrogen generation. The system and all components are assembled onto the prefabricated skits at our production site in the Rhine/Main region.
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In our product range, you can find and request compressed air preparation for the nitrogen generator and product containers, filters and, at request, also high-pressure compressors. Once assembly is complete, the entire system undergoes an approval procedure by our technical department and our notified CE body, and the system is then run in. At this time, the subsystems are extensively checked for their function and leak-tightness. The settings can be adapted to the specifications of our customers at this early stage.
As a result, we can put the equipment into operation at the customer’s location in record time and can implement the fundamental plug and play application. During installation by our trained technicians or by yourself, our technicians professionally connect our nitrogen plant to your installation location directly.
The “AIRCO Infinit Touch” control panel developed by AIRCO eSystems gives you full control of your plant. You will find all of the required parameters and settings clearly arranged here. In addition to secure access worldwide, the control panel provides documentation of all processes and sequences, as well as a convenient screenshot function in all menu areas.
For customers with a photovoltaic system, we offer our control panel with an additional interface. It automatically switches to autonomously generated electricity and optimises the energy consumption of your operation.
The final step sees our customers receive training from our technicians directly at their own facility so that they can plan and monitor their future nitrogen production. These systems are subsidised in many countries. Please request your desired level of purity.

Advantages of the nitrogen generator INFINIT Stand-Alone
Plug and play
Operational immediately
Low maintenance requirements
High quality and worldwide service
Purity 95 to 99.999% N2
Expandable at any time with N-Kat
Upgradeable to a purity of 6.0
Highlights of the nitrogen generator INFINIT Stand-Alone
Small surface area requirement and simple operation
High quality and worldwide service
Better cutting results than when using tank and bundle solutions
Industry 4.0: query and control of the system from any location in the world
Nitrogen generator Specifications of INFINIT Stand-Alone
Initial pressure: max. 6 bar
Ambient air: +10 °C to +45 °C
Nitrogen pressure dew point: up to -60 °C
Nitrogen purity: 4.0 - 5.0
Nitrogen temperature: +10 °C above ambient temperature
OFFER – QUERY – ADVICE ON INFINIT Stand Alone Nitrogen generator
Are you interested in a nitrogen system or the product: INFINIT Stand Alone Nitrogen generator ? Do you have a query, would like to receive an offer or do you require a consultation? Contact our sales team easily and conveniently or we will be happy to call you back.